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Music & Sound
Sound Design

Bronze Winner

Entrant: Factory, London
Save The Children - "Still The Most Shocking Second A Day"

Corporate Name of Client: Save The Children

Agency: Don't Panic, London

Production Company: Stink, London

Director: Tom Green

Executive Producer: Paz Parasmand

Deputy Director of Creative: Jess Crombie

Head of Creative Delivery: Nicole Itano

Editing Facility: The Whitehouse

Editors: James Forbes Robertson/Iain Whitewright

Sound Design Company: Factory, London

Sound Designer: Jon Clarke

Sound Engineer: Jon Clarke

Sound Mixer: Jon Clarke

Description of the Project:
The sound design was key in building the story, creating tension and dramatising the journey of our main character. Apart from the dialogue, the featured sounds were all recreated using foley and bespoke sound effects to build each scene.
The brief was to create a soundscape that put's you in the harsh reality of each shot. In order to achieve this, we were required to think about the sounds that were out of shot; sounds that would help the storytelling of each moment.
One of the key aspects to our mix was for it to feel visceral and dynamic in order to give the story the emotional charge that it demanded. Once again, a truly moving film has been created that fully utilises sound design to effectively tell the story.