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Corporate Name of Client: Otto GmbH & Co KG
Client Account Director: Sandra Bernin
Client Account Managers: Claudia Cantus/Sandra Albers
Agency Account Supervisors: Maik Richter/Julia Bubenik
Agency Account Managers: Francisca Maier/Sina Heimann
Agency: HEIMAT, Berlin
Chief Creative Officer: Guido Heffels
Creative Directors: Guido Heffels/Sabina Hesse/Ricardo Distefano
Copywriter: Lisa Yvonne Heimgartner
Art Director: Albert Chan
Agency Producer: Alexander Münzer
Production Company: Stink, Berlin
Directors: Marie Hyon/Marco Spier
Executive Producer: Julian Holland
Technical Creative Director: Frank Naranjo
Modelers: Bryan Eck/Briana Franceschini/Ellen Su
Post-Production Company: Psyop, New York City
Executive Post-Producer: Lydia Holness
Post-Producers: Aleen Kim/Ryan Mack/Chelsea Hyon
VFX Producer: Liam Griffin
Animators: Arsen Arzumanyan/Sam Crees/Henning Koczy/Ryan Moran/Pat Porter/
Anthony Travieso/Efrain Cintron
Editors: Sarra Idris/Ethan Spiro
Sound Designer: Thomas Berlin
Music Production Company: Loft Studios, Berlin
The OTTO Christmas film „Christmas is inside of us all“: Last Christmas, German online retailer OTTO surprised the people with another unique campaign. A magical 82“ animated film with a true message: Christmas is inside of us all. A message, where OTTO remembers what Christmas is truly about: the joy of fulfilling long-desired, heartfelt wishes, particularly those that all of us carry inside. Giving, without expecting anything in return. The film follows the story of a mailman, who, on a cold December night, unexpectedly finds the unopened, long-lost letter of an unknown boy and then sets out to fulfill this little boy’s long-awaited wish. Calmly and silently – just like Christmas.