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Corporate Name of Client: Estadão Digital
Head of Client Services: Flavio Pestana
Client Account Director: Marcelo Moraes
Client Supervisor: Marcela Dalla Torre
Client Marketing Director: Marcelo Moraes, São Paulo
Media Planner: Sergio Brotto
Agency Senior Account Executive: Mauro Silveira
Agency Account Supervisors: Juliana Peralta/Renato Coelho
Agency Account Directors: Tania Muller/Cristiane Pereira/Anna Santanna
Agency Strategic Planners: Rapha Barreto/Frederico Steinhoff/Lucia Abreu
Agency: FCB BRASIL, São Paulo
Chief Creative Officer: Joanna Monteiro
Executive Creative Director: Fabio Simoes (Simon)
Copywriter: Mario Morais
Art Directors: Henrique Ferreira/Victor Yves
Head of TV: Charles Nobili
Agency Producer: Rodrigo Resende
Project Managers: Gerson Lupatini/Elaine Santos
Photographers: Paulo Mancini/Elisa Bahiense/Rafael Holanda Barroso/Nelson Oliveira/
Maria Objetiva/Maxwell Vilela
Art Buyers: Tina Castro/Daniel Goncalves
Sound Design Company: Sound Design Productions
The whole idea started with one simple piece of data: every 7 minutes, a woman reports abuse in Brazil. It was not only the insight of the campaign, but also part of the execution. We took real reports of female victims of violence and tweeted them every 7 minutes for 24 hours. In other words, the campaign only happened because of the data. Every day, the Women's Assistance Hotline (Dial 180) receives 205 reports of abuse, which means 1 report every 7 minutes. That was why Estadão, an important newspaper in Brazil and positioned as a brand that promotes discussions for making a better future, has decided to talk about the problem on International Women’s Day. Estadão’s goal was to make people realize that March 8 is a day to fight for women’s rights, thereby making the newspaper's position even stronger for millions of readers.