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Corporate Name of Client: Henkel
Head of Client Services: Dr. Patricia Castejón
Agency Account Supervisors: Tim Holtkötter/Nico Buchholz
Agency: HEIMAT, Berlin
Chief Creative Officer: Guido Heffels
Creative Directors: Guido Heffels/Ricardo Distefano/Stephen Quell
Copywriters: Axel Didon/Adrian Staehelin
Art Director: Anthony Montagne
Agency Producer: Alexander Münzer
Production Company: Markenfilm, Berlin
Director: Ali Ali
Producers: Robert Tewes/Johanna Karger/Martynas Mickenas
Director of Photography: Pierre Mouarkech
Service Production Company: Strictly Baltic, Vilnius
An undisclosed self-help group is gathered for a meeting. One of the new members is introduced and asked to share his story with the rest of the people. He is definitely not ready and asks for a minute to gather himself. The crowd uses the minute to make repairs to a myriad of objects – from roller skates to vases to wall clocks – with LOCTITE 60 SECONDS. Life is hectic these days and there seems to be just not enough hours in the day. When we break things we face delays we don’t need and repairs take even more of our precious time. So it's good to know that bigger repairs are quick and easy with new LOCTITE 60 SECONDS. Lets explore this incredibly efficient use of time and see what brilliant things you can achieve when you got a spare minute at hand. Lets win the minute!